10 Trade Compliance Accounts You Should Be Following on Twitter

10 Trade Compliance Accounts You Should Be Following on Twitter

As trade compliance professionals, we are constantly being pulled in a million different directions. We often find ourselves in a reactive state, working to fix problems to keep our businesses running along smoothly. While this is one of the things that makes the job interesting and fun, it can also hinder our ability to stay abreast on the latest current events, market trends, and ever changing regulations.



A great way to be proactive in continuing education without a big investment in time or cost is following Trade Compliance experts on Twitter. In this article we break down the best resources on Twitter for all things Trade Compliance and what types of information you can expect get from each of them.



10 Trade Compliance Accounts You Need to Follow



Peter Mento, @TradeGeek



Pete is a Customs House Broker, Foreign Relations Expert and Trade Academic. He is one of the world’s leading experts on International Trade Policy and Supply Chain Security. He’s also a former stand-up comedian, and brings a refreshing sense of humor to his content.





Doug Jacobson, @tradelawnews



Doug is an international trade attorney, and has over 25 years of experience in areas of trade such as ITAR, EAR, & various economic sanctions programs.





American Shipper, @AmericanShipper



American Shipper is one of the largest news providers in global trade and shares articles on the biggest headlines in both the trade compliance world as well as transportation as a whole.





World Trade Organization, @WTO



The World Trade Organization is an intergovernmental organization that is concerned with the regulation of international trade between nations. Here you can find news and updates on trade agreements and policies between various countries.





Chad P. Bown, @ChadBown



Chad is a Senior Fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics and also the host of Trade Talks, a podcast about the economics of trade & policy.





USTR, @USTradeRep



The official account of the United States Trade Representative, under the oversight of 18th U.S. Trade Rep. Robert Lighthizer.





Global Trade Watch, @PCGTW



Global Trade Watch was created in 1995 to promote government & corporate accountability in globalization and trade. 





Risk & Compliance Journal, @WSJRisk



Risk & Compliance Journal offers news and commentary on the risks faced by businesses and mainly focuses on financial compliance and economic sanctions news.





U.S. Customs & Border Protection, @CBP



CBP is the United State’s primary border control organization and a must follow if you’re in the trade compliance industry.





International Trade Administration, @TradeGov



The International Trade Administration is the U.S. government resource for export promotion, industry competitiveness, trade and investment information.



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